Pre-pitch training with Christian Kumar, investor from London
Meet the investor and innovator from London, Christian Kumar! He is going to provide pre-pitch training for ideation summits, hackathons, and funding in the PUSB coworking space next Wednesday, October 19!
Christian has had a career spanning over 30 years in corporate finance, investment banking, and wealth management. He has a portfolio of 6 companies and over 22 investments, in the Leisure, Med Tech, Construction, and Energy industries. About Christian
You will learn, how to: Develop a commercial strategy
Deliver a perfect pitch
Know your audience
And what investors consider
After the training, we will have a Q&A session and an option to talk with Christian face to face!
Date – October 19, start at 10:00 (GMT+2)
Format: offline and online event
Address: PUSB coworking space, Górnośląska 4A, Warsaw
Participation is free! Registration form –
10:00 – 12:00 – Pre Pitch Training for Ideation Summits, Hackathons & Funding
12:00 – 12:30 – Break
12:30 – 14:00 – Q&A: Review attendees’ projects, Live business planning, 1:1 meetings (optionally)